How To Create A Plain Language Employee Handbook


This 1.5 hour workshop focuses on applying plain language principles and theory. Learning objectives for this workshop:

  1. Apply plain language principles and theory to “Employee Handbook” documents using authentic materials supplied by participants.

  2. Analyze what is working and what is not. Choose design and/or content excerpts to revise.

  3. Recognize how incorporating plain language principles into all communication with employees will help save time and reduce costs that accompany miscommunication.

  4. Develop a three-step plan to continue your plain language strategy after the workshop.


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Cindy Messaros (She/Her) Executive Director, Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Society (AWES)

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Tyla Olsen (She/Her) Language & Essential Skills Specialist, Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Society (AWES)

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This presentation was included as part of the National Workplace Inclusion Forum 2021, held online across Canada in October 2021. For more tools and strategies to create inclusive workplaces, visit